August 30, 2018

D&D 5e vs Pathfinder

I've been watching people play D&D for over a year and started playing a few months ago. I also recently started playing Pathfinder,...
August 23, 2018

D&D resources

Finding people to play with: D&D Adventurers League DFC Patrons Fantasy Grounds  (tutorial here ) LFG SubReddit Meetup Myth Weav...
August 17, 2018

Graveyard Keeper

Game intro:  So, it turns out you are now the graveyard keeper  (I won't spoil how or why)  and it is your job to autopsy (and maybe cre...
August 17, 2018

Stardew Valley

Game intro:  You're pretty bored working a 9 to 5 job stuck at some office all day long. Out of the blue, you get a message saying you ...
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