35 years of marriage and 9 children later
Last month (April 16th) a Moroccan teacher that lives in a prosperous agricultural region, north of the city of Rabat, became news that traveled the world, and not for the best reasons. After a marriage of 35 years that resulted in the birth of nine children, the man filled the divorce papers.
After seeing a urologist for having a lesion similar to that caused by chickenpox in his right testicle (the signal had been there forever and never bothered him, so he had not tried to know what it was) and, after the analysis was made, the diagnosis of the specialist was peremptory: the man had been sterile all his life, a condition linked to the testicular cyst that he presented.
This means that, after over three decades providing for his wife and all his nine children, this man came to the realization that he couldn't be the father of any of his children, and that his wife unfaithful.
Now the man - who claims to have all in his possession the clinical documents that prove his medical problem - has filed a lawsuit against the woman for adultery (a crime in Morocco) in court to divorce and reject any guardianship over the nine children.
This makes me glad that, in some countries, there is still some sort of justice. If the woman is proven to be the unfaithful one (and even more, proven that the husband is not the father of the children) then she will end up with nothing. No privileges and no alimony. Sadly, in some countries, the law works a bit differently.
However, winning the lawsuit didn't change the fact that this man may have loved a woman that cheated on him, and even less changes the fact that he spent over thirty years with those nine children, loving them as his own. It must be devastating to wake up one day and find out that the children that you loved for such a long time are not your children after all. It would be bad enough if it was one or two kids, but nine? It must be pretty darn close to hell on Earth. I don't think there is any amount of money in this world that can make up for that.
However, it seems that not everyone interpreted this news article in the same way I did since several people in my country not only showed disdain and complete lack of empathy towards this poor man but also made fun of him. I really don't know what it is about human nature that makes some people rejoice with other people's misfortune.
What is your opinion on this kind of situations? Let me know in the comments below.
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